Parlement européen - Bruxelles - 9h00
Winners and Losers of the WTO Doha Round. Discussion with the author of the Carnegie Study, Sandra Polaski

20 juin 2006

Ministers of WTO countries gather in Geneva on 29 June to find ways to rescue the ongoing Doha trade negotiation round from imminent failure. The same day, the Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament gathers Brussels based European policy makers and civil society to discuss with Sandra Polaski and Yash Tandon about what is left of the development promises of the "Doha Development Agenda" in the five years of negotiations. Both guests will bring important messages to the Green/EFA conference.

Sandra Polaski is the author of the famous study of the Carnegie Endowment on "Winners and Losers : Impact of the Doha Round on Developing Countries", which has stirred reactions on the highest level of policy makers, such as European Trade Commissioner Mandelson and US Trade Representative Portman.

Yash Tandon is the Director of the South Centre in Geneva, an inter-governmental Think Tank supported by more than 40 developing countries, which produces analyses and policy recommendations to the WTO negotiators of these countries. Such recommendations may change in the light of the findings of the Carnegie Study.

The second part of the conference will gather European Parliament trade policy makers from all political groups in a Panel to discuss the consequences that must be drawn from the Carnegie analysis and Developing Countries concerns in order to re-orientate the WTO negotiations and prevent from its collapse.


09:00 Welcome

09:15 Presentation of the Carnegie Study

Winners and Losers : Impact of the Doha Round on developing countries

Chair : Pierre Jonckheer, MEP, Greens/EFA

 Sandra Polaski, Senior Associate, Director Trade, Equity and Development Project, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA

Responses by

 Representative of DG Trade, European Commission

 Representative of the Presidency of the European Union


10:45 Panel discussion

Political consequences for the Doha Round : Finishing the Match or Moving the Goalposts ?

Chair : Frithjof Schmidt, MEP, Greens/EFA

Panelists :

 Yash Tandon, Director, South Centre, Geneva

 Marc Maes, 11.11.11. and "Seattle to Brussels Network", Brussels

 Representatives of the political groups in the EP (EPP, PSE, ALDE, GUE)

 Alain Lipietz, MEP, Greens/EFA


Lieu :

Room Petra Kelly ASP01G2

European Parliament

60, Rue Wiertz

1047 Brussels



On-line registration at

Deadline for registration : 22 June 2006.


Martin Köhler - Adviser on International Trade - Phone : 0032-2-2842188

Stephanie Sommer - Stagiaire- Phone : 0032-2-2842681

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