Vienne (Autriche)
Conférence-débat avec les Verts autrichiens

11 avril 2007

 Thursday, 12th, April*

* 17.30 - 18.30 : press briefing with the members of the following panel discussion (see below)

Venue :

Green Group in the Austrian Parliament,

Löwelstraße 12,

1017 Vienna

* 19.00 - 21.00 : panel discussion : "Redistribution as a new political trend ?"


 Alain Lipietz, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA group

 Gabriele Michalitsch (Austrian economist and expert on distribution and gender issues),

 Albert Steinhauser (spokesperson of the Greens in Vienna),

presentation : Ulrike Lunacek (Green member of the Austrian Parliament and Co-President of the European Green Party).

Content of the discussion : In Austria taxation on asset is very low
according to the average of OECD-members. Last but not least the new
coalition will abolish inheritance tax. Against the Austria background
we want to discuss the French situation : there the government wants to translate the right of abode into law. When Jospin was in government
working hours were reduced ("35-hour-workweek"). Is there room for manoeuvre on the national level for redistribution and to agree on social rights ? What are perspectives for redistribution and social justice from a Green point of view ? What can we learn from the French case ? What should or could be done on the European level in order to achieve social justice ?

Venue :

University of Vienna, Kleiner Festsaal (small festival room)

 Friday, 13th, April*

* 10.00 - 13.00 : Workshop "The international dimension of European politics"

Here we want to discuss the the possibilities of Green and
alternative social and economic policies. Against the background of
experiences of left governments in Latin America the follwing questions
are interesting : what are the chances of the governments of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Luiz Inacia Lula da Silva to improve living conditions of people and to push social justice, what are the obstacles for these governments, are there incentives for alternative politics concerning international trade, what could be done on the European level beyond social dumping, tax competition, competitiveness etc.

Venue :

Green educational institution (GBW), 2nd floor,

Neubaugasse 8,

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